HotJobs Officially for Sale -- Is There Mass Job Board Consolidation in Store for 2010? recently reported that HotJobs was officially up for sale: To most job seekers and recruiters, this falls under the "ho-hum" bucket --> someone will eventually purchase them, not change a whole lot, and it will stay as either HotJobs or be presented as "Careerbuilder Part II".

But for the recruiting industry as a whole, this sale could be the beginning of a wave of job board consolidation in 2010 and 2011. There currently exists over 50,000 job board and related recruiting websites out there (not including recruiting agency websites), and there's obviously a huge amount of saturation in an already crowded industry. Most job seekers and recruiters can't keep up with every new job board that pops up, with each new one specializing in yet another niche job field. As a result, it's going to be a survival of the fittest in the coming 18-24 months, with smaller (yet potentially profitable) job boards being snatched up by one of the largest 10 boards, and the remainder most likely dying a natural death.

Which job boards do you find to be the most useful and which job boards do you find to be a total joke or waste of time? I'm curious as to your thoughts, as I have my list of both fruitful and fruitless job boards, which I'll share with you in my blog post later this week.


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