Webinar Invite: Your Employer Brand Influences Candidate Applications

Since my topics of blog discussion have been covering employer branding - thought I'd cross-post this information on a webinar covering this topic. Hope the group will find this webinar of interest.

Danny! (aka Daniel Parrillo)

Talent Technology Recruiter Webinar series with Liz Ryan.

The upcoming webinar will focus on developing and leveraging your employer brand to attract and engage top candidates.

Today’s online job search has changed the way candidates select and engage with companies. Their impression of your organization’s culture and values is being shaped by the image reflected in your employer brand, and ultimately drives candidates’ decisions to apply.

Register Now: Complimentary Webinar

Join Liz Ryan (AskLizRyan) for a free webinar to understand how Your Employer Brand Influences Candidate Applications to learn how savvy employers are attracting very smart, talented, motivated employees with their employer brands.

When: Wednesday, December 8th - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)/1:00 PM (Eastern) Register Now!

Liz will cover:
• How the employer brand influences candidate recruiting
• Elements of the employer brand
• Developing and talking about your employer brand strategy
• Aligning your employer brand strategy with your website and job search process
• Case Study: Employer branding strategy for ACME Dynamite
Attendees will receive an eBook on how to influence the development of their employer brand strategy.
Who should attend: This is a non-sales webinar for recruitment and HR professionals seeking to understand how to build a good employer brand strategy, and to align it to the recruiting and hiring process.
This non-sales webinar is sponsored by Talent Technology's Recruiter Webinar Series. If you would like to learn more about Talent Technology's new talent generation solutions, visit www.talenttech.com or call 866.747.3375.
I hope to see you at the webinar!
Stephanie Weirich
Hiring Success Team
Talent Technology

P.S. Please join Liz Ryan's informative free webinar to see how Your Employer Brand Influences Candidate Applications Wednesday, December 8th at 10:00 AM (Pacific)/1:00 PM (Eastern).
In an age where books such as No Logo and Fast Food Nation are international bestsellers, companies need to wise up and realize that they can no longer tempt jobseekers using financial incentives alone.


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